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DataDoctorsChallenge - 20180211

Nr of Statuses by Suggestion for week 20180211

Created: 20.02.2018 1:55:40 - Slovenian time

ReportsBy UserBy SuggestionBy User and SuggestionUpdate frequency
SimpleUserSuggestionUser and Suggestion5 min
DetailedUser DetailedSuggestion DetailedUser and Suggestion Detailed1 hour
By DayUser by DaySuggestion by DayUser and Suggestion by Day1 hour
Total By HourBy Hour1 hour
      Error Txt Nr
Total 2.484
 571 - FindAGrave - Link without Grave ID 589
 572 - FindAGrave - Linked grave not matching profile 422
 575 - FindAGrave - Different birth date 212
 581 - FindAGrave - Missing death location 192
 586 - FindAGrave - Link to merged Grave ID 188
 579 - FindAGrave - Missing birth location 152
 578 - FindAGrave - Different death date 138
 577 - FindAGrave - Imprecise death date 133
 574 - FindAGrave - Imprecise birth date 96
 587 - FindAGrave - Link to nonexisting Grave ID 78
 585 - FindAGrave - Multiple profiles link to same grave ID 76
 848 - Error in template parameters 67
 576 - FindAGrave - Empty death date 57
 841 - Template doesn't start with double { 28
 843 - Missing template (spelling) 25
 842 - Template doesn't end with double } 21
 573 - FindAGrave - Empty birth date 10

Time taken: 0.01 s

Date of report: 2018-02-20 01:55:40